Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 14 Supreme 90 Day fitness Legs

I love and hate this DVD all at the same time.  The abs workout in the first 5-8 minutes is incredible. Hard. I want to do this some more and may do some of these at the gym on random nights because it will really help reduce my love handles and develop my abs.

The legs portion is tough.  It contains a lot of squatting to attack your calves and thighs. I had to slow down today because my heart rate went too high, but that's ok.  For the most part, I kept going and was glad when we were done.  Tomorrow is back to Chest/Back (DVD 1).

Last night for dinner we used the leftover satay chicken by adding it to some nan bread with mango/peach/onion chutney I made (very little sugar and a little soy sauce). It also had mint, cilantro, cucumber, a little fresh peach/mango, sweet onions and topped with some arugula.  I thought this was awesome!  Next time we will make it healthier by using Flatout flat rolls.  You can find the recipe in this month's (August?) Cooking Light magazine which was just delivered this week.  Oops... it might have been the June issue.  I'll check later.

I am still eating less than the plan calls for, but using their suggestions for oatmeal, flaxseed, wheat germ, whey powder, yogurt, etc..  I added a half a scoop of protein whey powder to my oatmeal, but it was a little too vanilla tasting and added too much bitterness.  I will stick to using it in yogurt smoothies.

I had put a complaint into our gym because it was so #$^$%& hot and humid in there that it makes working out unpleasant.  We've had a spell of high temps of 95-101, so I understand, but hell, I pay a lot of bucks to the gym and if they need to spend extra on the air conditioning, do so, because otherwise it would be better to workout in my basement where it is really cool.  They called and said they've been working on the system but they don't have a dehumidification system.  Hopefully our visit tonight will be better.  Otherwise I will need to convince my wife to go early in the morning to beat the heat that is accumulated during the day.

Alright everyone... work hard! The weekend is almost here!  I'd love to see some more comments and new followers if you're out there...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Some Progress But Not Enough!

I think I'm eating too much food on the S90D plan (although nowhere near the amount they recommend), so I will cut it back to see if that helps lower my number.  I am so pissed.  I've got to figure out how to get under this number.  All this working out (S90D AND going to the gym) and minimal results.  Harumph!  I am watching what I am eating and had only one drink in the last week (a half a drink). I really want my body to respond. Not sure what else I can do.  Going to keep going hoping my body figures out that I am purposely trying to lose extra fat.

Weight:177.2 (change this week: -1.6    to date: -3.2 pounds) Goal 155
Body fat: 28.9% (change this week: -0.2%     to date -0.8%)
Waist: 39.5 (to date: -0.25)
Thigh: 24
Calf: 16.25
Bicep: 13
Chest: 41.25

I don't care that I missed my target of 176. I am still aiming for 174.x for next week.

I got my S90D Cardio program in this morning. Really got my heart rate up.  Looking forward to Legs tomorrow.

Day 12 Shoulders Arms Supreme90Day

I got this one in yesterday morning and followed it up with 30 mins on the elliptical, 10 minutes of crunches with 45lbs and the turbo machine, and ended with some leisurely butterfly strokes in the pool and sit in the hot tub.  The exercises are definitely harder with the larger weights I am using.

Recipe - Satay Chicken with Peanut Sauce

Everyone in my house loves this. You soak chicken in a soy/peanut butter/lime juice marinate for at least two hours then cook for a few minutes per side on the grill.  Our grill is out, so I cooked it in the oven on broiler setting.  We serve with rice although a thai version quinoa would be good too.

I used smooth peanut butter and mixed the marinate in the blender.  I skewer the chicken when the marinade is done, and I put it in a ziplock bag because it is easy to eliminate the air and mix it around a couple of times.

The peanut sauce is simple:
1/2 can Coconut Milk
eyeball half the amount of Peanut butter
1T Soy sauce (maybe a little more)
1T Brown sugar (maybe a little more)
1/4 tsp chili paste
Cook until bubbly.
Just remember this is a dipping sauce and not a topping!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 11 Supreme 90 Day Tabata Inferno #2

I'm sad to say that I'm a day behind schedule as I should have done this yesterday.  But I got off my butt, did the workout, got it kicked, and the water company thanks me for taking a second shower today!  I see that Day 12 is Shoulders/Arms and 13 is Cardio.  I may try a morning/evening attempt to get those in and caught up before weigh in on Wednesday.  Then again, if it's 90+ outside, maybe not!

I was careful doing the Tabata in the beginning since the popping exercises make my heart race too much, so I did them about half time compared to the people in the DVD.  That really helped.  Believe me, I was sweating up a storm at the end! 

Overall things are going great!  I am able to do more push ups, work out with heavier weights, and have more stamina throughout the day.  Even at day 10 I look in the mirror and see my chest and belly shrinking, and the ever so slight formation of a two pack hinting to show up.  Note: I haven't had a flat stomach since I got married 25 years ago, so this is a huge development!  And even then I was never muscular, so this is a whole new look. A friend asked me if I just came from the gym when I stopped to pick up my son yesterday and I said yes, that he must know because my hair was a mess and I smelled like chlorine because we worked out in the pool.  He said no, that he saw changes in my chest and arms.  Now THAT feels good!

We continue to make changes in our lifestyle especially in the way of diet.  We have many Cooking Light annual collections that we are combing through to come up with light salad and other recipes.  I am not allowing us to eat pizza and other empty carb foods, but it's tough with a couple of college kids home.

I'm being very careful in what I am eating and drinking so I can get the scale to show 176 wed.  I don't mind if it shows 176.8, but it better be under 177.

We will be working out at the gym again tonight so I'll try to concentrate on leg exercises to not disrupt tomorrow's S90D workout.

Hey! Get up and move around!  You've got a workout to do!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 9 Supreme 90 Day fitness Ultimate Ball #2

I was a little reluctant to workout today because I was aching thanks to my two S90 workouts yesterday followed by 45 minutes on the elliptical and 20 minutes on the spinner at the gym.  But am I ever glad I put in the time!  The warmup really helped stretch those muscles and now that I'm done, I feel great!  We will be going to the gym in a little while and I'll get in more jogging or elliptical.

Going to have a small smoothie in a little while and looking forward to a salad for dinner.  Had a big salad for dinner last night.  Target remains 176 by Wednesday and I am going to work extra hard to shatter my 178 plateau.  Gonna do it!

Tomorrow is Tabata Inferno.  I'm prepared.  Going to take the jumping parts easy to keep my heart rate at a reasonable level.

Work hard over the weekend!  Keep moving!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 8 Supreme 90 Day Chest Back

I might be crazy, but I had to catch up for my skipped day.  I JUST COMPLETED CHEST BACK after doing LEGS this morning!  Was easier this time. Very sweaty... off to the shower.

If I can do TWO in one day, what are YOU waiting for?

Get moving! :)

Day 7 Supreme 90 Day Legs

When they say Legs, they mean first abs then legs.  I really liked this workout.  It had me sweating profusely at the end.  Again, I need larger weights, but my workout was effective.  At some point in the video the leader says something like "you will feel the burn", and I do!

Hardest: laying on back, legs on ball, lift pelvis, stay steady, then change motion to pulling legs in.  I liked it, but it was hard to stay balanced.  I also have problems moving my leg to from a front lunge to a back lunge.  It's like my muscles don't want to cooperate.  Go figure.
Favorite: the beginning where it concentrated on abs, coincidentally, where I need the most work! :)

I missed doing this exercise yesterday due to a commitment with my son, so I am going to rest up and attack the Day 8 workout at lunchtime (Chest/Back).  And go to the gym later too!  I NEED to reach my goal and I'm not going to let anything stop me this time!

Nothing really new. Today's breakfast is oatmeal and an egg white omelet with 5 whites and one yolk. I'm hungry so I might eat most of that.  I will say eating all this food makes it easy to not be hungry at 2pm.  I enjoyed a smoothie yesterday afternoon.

Let's see some comments!  I'd love to hear what your experience has been.
If you haven't started the program, jump in!  So far it is well worth the $15-$20 you will spend.
Keep moving!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 7 Supreme 90 Day fitness program

We had a power outage for the last two days and finally got power restored last night.  But I missed working out yesterday so I was unable to achieve my goal.  But I still did pretty well:

Weight:178.8 (loss to date: 1.4 pounds) Goal 155
Body fat: 29.1% (loss to date .6%. It's from my scale so I'm not overly confident in this nbr anyway)
Waist: 39.5 (loss: .25)
Thigh: 24
Calf: 16.25
Bicep: 13 (this is a loss and seems large. Maybe I misread the tape w/o my glasses!)
Chest: 41.25

I grade my overall production as a B. Partially my fault in using weights that are too low and partially because I couldn't work out yesterday (here nor at the gym) due to not having power (and it being hot and humid in the house.)  Still, I lost weight the first week and did not gain as others have.  This weight loss brings me back to my recent steady weight.  I NEED to lose another 2 pounds and be at 176 by next Wednesday.  I can't stand being stuck at 178.

I will resume my workout later this morning with day 7, Legs.  No idea on how difficult this one is yet but I will post something after I complete it.

I hope this blog is useful to people and if you are following along, please post a comment and press Follow!  I want to share my experience with other people and it helps to know how many are with me!

Alright readers... Get Moving!  It's hump day!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 6 Supreme 90 Day Cardio Challenge

I like the variety of this video. Virtually nothing is repeated and each routine is 30 seconds on, then 30 seconds rest.  I had to do a few exercise substitutions because I didn't want to get my heart rate too high, but I got it into the 130-145 range doing these routines.  This video was a nice challenge and not over the top.

I know I need to get heavier weights because the 5's I've been using just are not challenging.  I did this on purpose for week 1 so I can transition into two-a-day workouts without being so fatigued that I want to quit going to the gym with my wife.  This has worked well.  I will pick up some 10 and 15 pound weights to use.  It will be harder to do this video next time.

Hardest exercise: One arm push ups (start with two arms but then lift one hand up.)  Even though I have good balance, my wrists are just too weak to do this well.  I substituted other push ups.
Favorite: Still the bicycle crunches and crunches using weights from side to side.

Tomorrow is day 7 - Legs.  I will take my measurements on Wednesday and post them so you can follow along.  I am still hopeful for very good news.

Not to brag (well, maybe it is!), but my wife noticed my stronger and flatter abs (long way to go) but that really makes me work harder.  I've recently noticed and commented to her about weight she's lost all over, but especially in areas that she's been working on like arms (underside), waist and one that she didn't notice but I did... under her chin.  Love the progress she's been making and I'm still hopeful that she joins me in the mornings to do the Supreme 90 Day, but so far she hasn't.

Tonight will be jogging on the treadmill (if it is cool enough at the gym) or elliptical and some weights.

Alright everyone... get moving!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The S90D Nutrition Guide

I am still perplexed about the quantity of food the guide lists we should eat each day.  I am full just eating 2/3 of the plan.  For instance, this morning called for the hard boiled eggs and I only ate 4 of the 5-6+ they recommend. I am not Cool Hand Luke after all. Also did not eat the cereal but I ate a half a piece of lightly buttered whole grain toast.  And despite being full from that meal, I just ate a half serving of cream of wheat.  Now I am back to being very full.

I made a slight modification on the cream of wheat that I thought I would share because it tasted pretty good:
1/2 cup water, bring to boil
add 1/2 Tbsp EACH flaxseed and wheat germ
add a little salt. taste and add a little more if necessary
add 1.5 Tbsp of cream of wheat
Stir to make sure you get no lumps
Add .5 Tbsp of real maple syrup (optional)
Cook a few minutes until right consistency
Pour into bowl and stir in 1 Tbsp of vanilla whey protein powder and stir until smooth.

I really liked the vanilla/maple taste along with the nutty elements of flax/wheat germ.  Excuse me while I veg out from my carb-load meal #2...

Hey! Get moving!

Day 5 Supreme 90 Day Shoulders Arms

I woke up early to get this exercise in, despite being Sunday, and I was greeted with an easier workout than the workout from hell (Tabata Inferno).  Well, easier in that it concentrates on my upper body strength and as a result it keeps my rate rate low.  I wore my heart rate monitor (Polar FT7) for the first time during an S90 workout, and the only time it breached 120 was at the end when I was working extra hard and nearing fatigue.

It is obvious that I need more and heavier hand weights.  I plan on buying 15s next because at times the 4s and 10s are just too light.  I know... who would have thought that with me!  I will be ready for the next circuit.  Note that there is more continuous workouts with this DVD and fewer breaks.

Favorite: the early part concentrating on the abs. Nice variety.
Least favorite: Push ups that work the triceps. Hard to do!

My wife and I went out for dinner with friends and we continued with the eat-healthier plan we've developed.  That means we order one regular (hopefully lower fat/calorie) dish plus a dinner salad and share both.  So at Buffalo Wild Wings we shared a grilled chicken salad (mostly lettuce and chicken) and 12 wings with Asian Zing.  Yeah, the sauce is bad for us, but the coating is pretty thin and we don't ask for extra.  My wife's downfall is ordering popcorn at the movies.  It is a battle at the counter, me:small, her:large.  To date, the best I can do is convince her to share a medium with me.  I really want to get her in the mindset that popcorn is a treat and not a meal!  Especially after just having dinner.  Hopefully she changes in the future.  I am still proud of the weight loss she has had to date, but like me, has leveled on a plateau and needs to bump up calorie expenditure, and lessen intake.

We plan on going to the gym later today and are headed for our farmer's market shortly.  Tomorrow's workout is the Cardio Challenge and I'm excited to see what is in store.

Keep moving!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Possibly a Day Off

My body is pleasantly achy in my arms and shoulders and I am thinking of invoking the rest day I missed.  I may still proceed to the next exercise later, and I am definitely doing a few of the ball exercises this morning to make my pelvis stretch out and feel good.

I am pretty sure I am in for a pleasant surprise when I weigh myself on Wednesday.  My jeans are pretty loose.  We'll see.

Last night we had pizza after not having it for 3 or 4 weeks.  We used to eat it pretty much every Friday but I have been taking control of our dinner choices to have the family eat healthier.  I ate fewer pieces than normal... only 5... plus a nice salad to complement it.  A beer after we got back from the gym (yes, I am a glutton for punishment) did me in for the rest of the night.

At the gym I went on the elliptical and completed 2mi burning 400+ calories (if you really believe the numbers) and then hit a spinner for 15 minutes.  Needless to say, these morning/evening workouts really make me tired.

Recently (even before Supreme 90 Day) I have been noticing developing biceps and my chest becoming flatter and perhaps a hint of firm abs starting to appear.  I've never been a fitness nut, but I am liking what I am seeing.  Based on what I see of friends' pictures my age on facebook, I am ahead of the game.

According to the nutrition guide with S90, this morning's breakfast should include muesli (don't have it) with milk and 5-6 hard boiled eggs plus one yolk.  I think I will eat 3 eggs and a piece of whole wheat toast and eat some oatmeal with apple as meal #2.  More poached salmon awaits me for lunch (leftover from yesterday). We might be going out for dinner but it will be easy to order grilled chicken breast with brown rice.

By the way, here is how I cooked the salmon.  Put a piece about the size of 12 ounces in a small omelette pan, add two bay leaves, sprinkle with a little sea salt, onion powder and garlic powder, and add buttermilk to go up a little more than half way over the fish.  Turn the flame on high until it just comes to a boil, then turn it down to medium-low to just keep it at a simmer.  You really have to watch it about every 90 seconds or it might start to boil again and you don't want that.  Look at the bottom and when it turns to the pink/white color, flip the fish.  This will make the temp in the pan go down again, so you might have to kick the flame up to get it back to a simmer.  The total time per side will be about 6-8 minutes, and if your fish is very fresh, like mine is from Costco, you are looking to cook it to medium or medium rare.  You can cook it through if you want, which would probably be about 10 mins per side.  The idea is to cook it SLOWLY.  It comes out nice and juicy and the buttermilk draws out any fishy taste.  IMO, this is even better the next day eaten cold.

Hope your weekend is full of fun with family and friends.  Keep moving!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 3 Supreme 90 Day Tabata Inferno

Tabata Inferno
Let's sum this up in four words:


I just completed the hardest workout I have ever done... the Tabata Inferno.  I had to stop shortly after I started when my heart rate flew into high gear and I couldn't catch my breath.  Yes, THAT intense.  I got so warm, I had to take off my exercise shirt and open the windows to let cool air in.  And drink water that had been cooled by ice.  I was so fatigued near the end, I was groaning as the leader showed us what was next.

Remember, I am no youngster.  I'm in my upper 40's and have never been an exerciser.  Going to the gym and working out at home is foreign to my body and mind.  When I started working out, there is a lot of snapping between motions... like alternating feet and launching to get the other foot forward, and motions that emulate taking a jump shot in basketball.  I mean, this is shit I don't normally do!  Well I could feel my heart racing so fast I had to take a break and let my heart rate return to a normal workout zone.  That was about two or three minutes into the workout!  From that point on, I was a bit fatigued, and was careful not to do those snap type exercises too hard.  I added more time between landing and jumping to the next position, and that really helped moderate my pulse.

I was going pretty slow near the end.  Maybe 50% of full speed and that is all I could do.

This video does not use the ball but does use the weights.

My favorite parts: The exercises that are like super crunches emulating riding a bicycle.  I also liked the push up type exercises and the variety we did.
Least favorite: The jumping (snapping to position) exercises.  It really fatigues me and makes my heart race too fast if I do them as enthusiastically as the 20 year olds on the video.

I took a cold shower to cool my body down after the workout.  It felt good.  It is an hour after I finished working out and I still feel a buzz flowing through my body.  I also feel like I could take a nap.  20 minutes might do me wonders.

I still wonder about the tremendous amount of food I am supposed to eat.  I mean, I wasn't even hungry in the least and it's telling me to drink a smoothie or something.  I think I did 4+ meals yesterday, but not 6.  I was pretty hungry this morning after the workout, so I ate 2 hard boiled eggs, some salmon and a small bowl of high fiber cereal.  I haven't had cereal in more than 5 years, since before I started Atkins (no longer on it).

We haven't had pizza in about four weeks, so tonight we will splurge with a few slices plus a nice salad.

Tomorrow: I might take a rest, or I might advance to Shoulder/Arms.  We'll see.  Either way, later today we go to the gym to work out.

I'm having fun on this Fitness Odyssey.  I hope it inspires you to order the video and workout hard.  Keep moving!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 2 Supreme 90 Day Ultimate Ball

It was tough riding the elliptical at the gym last night after completing S90 the morning before, but the extra workout will pay off.  It was a short ride at 45 minutes but I worked up a good sweat and it said I burned a lot of calories (not sure I believe what the machine says... but that's another story.)

I did pretty well on the food side yesterday making a few substitutions but eating 6 smaller meals and drinking a ton of water.  No artificial sweeteners were consumed.

Ultimate Ball
Upon waking up, I popped in the DVD and got to work.  This one was more challenging balance-wise than yesterday's routine because everything involves the ball.  I need to inflate it some more because it is too squishy and some of the exercises were not possible.  I had fun doing them and again got my heart rate up and worked a good sweat.  This video really concentrates on your abs.

Hardest part: going full extension with feet on the ball and lifting one leg at a time for 30 seconds.  If you felt a tremor near your house, that was me shaking by the end of the second leg.

Best part: I have arthritis in my pelvis so I REALLY like the moves where you lie on your back, put the ball between your legs and rotate left and right.  That motion helps relieve my pain.

I can't believe they want us (men) to eat 5 to 6 hard boiled eggs plus one yolk (really?) AND a full portion of cream of wheat for breakfast.  Whoa.  So far I have eaten 4 eggs and we'll see about the cream of wheat.  I may make that my meal #2.  We're supposed to add flax and wheat germ to the cream of wheat, so I figure that is to get our fiber intake up.  No problem -- I take metamucil and get the fiber I need that way.

I bought a large fillet of salmon at Costco yesterday, so I will cook/freeze that today for portions throughout the week.

It's a bit interesting trying to fit this meal plan into my family's because dinners, in particular, don't align well.  But I am flexible and will adjust my intake the best I can.  It is a guideline and not a firm plan, IMO.

Day #3 on the calendar they give you shows a day of rest.  I have been working out for 10 months now, so I am not resting tomorrow.  I am skipping to day #4 and Tabata Inferno.  Everyone says that is a bitch of a workout.  Can't wait to try it!

Tonight I will work out with my wife at the gym.  Hopefully she joins me in the mornings to join my on this fitness odyssey.

Get moving!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 1 Supreme 90 Day

We were so busy in the last week that I couldn't start the fitness odyssey until today.  I started following the program and day 1 is Intro Chest & Back.  It starts with a warm up, then you exercise followed by a cool down.  You need two different sets of hand weights (one lighter than the other) and an exercise ball.

The Chest & Back video
I thought it had easy parts and challenging parts.  I have never been a muscle guy, so my arms are pretty weak.  There are a lot of push ups in this video and by the end, my arms were fatigued.  Doing push ups while on the ball was more difficult than it appears.  The hardest exercise was when in a push up position and you bring opposite hands and knees together.  It takes quite a bit of coordination and balance.  The push ups at the end were difficult because my hand weights don't have a lot of room, so my knuckles were digging into the carpet.  I only used my lighter weights for all the exercises because I don't want to be to tired to work later today.

The easy parts (easy to do... definitely gave it my all) were the sit up type exercises.  The easy and hard exercises usually alternated which definitely helps you get coordinated with the video and not so turned off in attitude.

The meal plan
The daily meals are broken into 5 or 6 (last one sometimes optional) meals.  3L or 12cups of water daily, starting with 4 cups when you wake up.  Well, if I'm drinking that much water when I wake up, there will have to be a break after 15 minutes of exercise to go to the bathroom!  I will drink my 4 cups shortly.

One thing that has me scratching my head is the first meal for day 1.  It is a tremendous amount of food:
A regular serving of oatmeal (what I sometimes eat for breakfast)
PLUS 5-6 egg whites
Now I understand they are trying to give us lots of protein, but I am just not THAT hungry this morning.  I will have my oatmeal but pass on the eggs.  We'll see what my body says after exercising and tackling meal 1 of day 2 when you eat cream of wheat PLUS 5-6 hard boiled eggs plus one egg white.  Maybe I'll turn into Rocky Balboa!

Meal 4 calls for a protein shake, so I'll have to go to Walgreens at lunch and pick up some powder.

I also will be going to the gym tonight and since I worked on my chest and arms I will use the elliptical or treadmill to concentrate on my legs.

Here are my starting stats:
Weight:180.4 (damn... the burgers and beer got to me this weekend). Goal 155
Body fat: 29.7%
Waist: 39.75 (around the largest part of my belly)
Thigh: 24
Calf: 16
Bicep: 13.5
Chest: 41

I'd love to see me drop 2 pounds per week, but from what I read, a gain in the first week is likely.  So although I will try for 172 by Aug 3, I will accept 174 if I gain weight between now and next Wed.

Are you with me?  Let's hear what you think about the program!